Wednesday 20 July 2011

A case of one good liar, and one a bit too old and slow

"This is the most humble day of my life" he says...Yeah, it should be!

I watched with interest today as Rupert Murdoch and his son James sat not so pale-faced, white nailed and with their tails between their legs, as MPs and the like questioned their integrity.

I have to say I didn't really expect to see anything extraordinary but I thought at least Murdoch Sr. might have had something to say for himself aside from long pauses while he carefully thought about whether his answer might come back to bite him in the proverbial, followed by "yes", "no" or "that's not something I was aware of."

James Murdoch on the other hand appeared to handle the questions well, but it just seemed like the better liar was the one with the younger and faster working brain. It all seems a bit too convenient that the chief executives of a company didn't know anything was going on.

More than a few disgusted laughs were provided though, the entertainment value of which I am grateful. RM sat and played the burning martyr as he moaned that "those he had trusted" had been the culprits of the phone hacking and that he had no idea it was going on.

He also claimed ignorance in that he had no idea who some of his employees responsible, some of whom had been arrested and even convicted, were. Anyone else smell faeces of the farm yard animal variety?

As clear as it is to many of us that the Murdochs cannot possibly have had no idea about the goings on at the New of The World, it is even harder to prove unless its shown in written evidence. As much as the guy bangs on about how his shame brought him to pull the plug on one of the nation's favourite papers, I can't help thinking he did it because he could, out of spite if nothing else.

Rumour has it, old Rupe is about to step down. The day can't come sooner as far as I'm concerned. Just look at the picture...smug git.

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A few pieces of my mind - basically just stuff I either feel like writing down or think that others should indulge in.